
Vertis has a highly experienced investment team with a significant track record and is also supported by an international team of professionals

Investment team

Amedeo Giurazza

Founder, CEO & Managing Partner

He’s been dealing with finance for almost 40 years and is a board member in different companies in the industrial and service sectors.

HHe started his career as stockbroker and worked in the governing bodies of Rome Stock Exchange.

Then, he became the CEO of Borsaconsult SIM SpA (1991), the main stock broking firm in southern Italy and of Vertis SpA (2001), as well as the exclusive advisor of Interbanca Gestione Investimenti SGR for the closed-end fund “Interbanca Investimenti Sud”.

In 2007 he founded Vertis SGR, a closed-end investment company, and is now its CEO.

Moreover, he’s been professor of Stock Exchange Techniques and Economics of Financial Intermediaries at the Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences of Università del Sannio for almost 18 years.

He is a member of the Board of Directors and the Vice President of the Venture Capital Committee of AIFI (the Italian Private Equity, Venture Capital and Private Debt Association) and the chairman of the Finance Committee Private Equity and Venture Capital of the Order of Chartered Accountants in Naples.

Amedeo earned a bachelor’s degree of Commerce from the University of Naples Federico II and is also a chartered accountant and statutory auditor.

Renato Vannucci

Co-Founder, Vice President & Managing Partner

He’s been dealing with finance for more than 30 years and is a board member in different companies operating in the industrial and service sectors.

He started his career as floor trader at a brokerage firm of Naples Stock Exchange.

Subsequently and until 1999, he was a board member of Macrofit SIM and then Borsaconsult SIM, as well as the member of different technical committees of Assosim (Associazione Intermediari Mobiliari).

Before being the co-founder of Vertis SGR SpA (March 2007), Renato was the president of the Scouting Committee of Vertis SpA, the exclusive advisor of IGI SGR for the closed-end fund “Interbanca Investimenti Sud”, with the aim of identifying the best investment opportunities.

Massimo Della Ragione


Always active and professionally grown in the investment banking sector, Massimo boasts experience with top positions in Goldman Sachs (Managing Director from 2006 to 2010 and Partner from 2010 to 2021), JPMorgan (Managing Director from 1994 to 2006) and previously in Unicredit.

During his experience as a banker, Massimo followed and concluded important financial transactions in various sectors. Since 2021, Massimo has been Vice President of Intrum, a European operator of credit services and is also Professor of Investment Banking at Bocconi University in Milan where he also deals with the management of Bocconi’s “Digital Tech Vertical” practice for Innovation (B4I).

Always passionate about the world of venture capital, in 2021 Massimo is also a Partner in the Corporate Hangar, an incubator and strategic consultant who identifies and develops technological projects in startups and scaleups.

Danilo Iervolino


He has a consolidated experience in the digital industry sector, so much so that in 2006 he founded the Pegaso Telematic University, a university active in the e-learning field, of which he holds the position of President and, in 2015, he created the first public-private partnership in the field of academic training by acquiring 70% of the Mercatorum University, the telematic university of the Chambers of Commerce, of which he is also President here.

Always tied and fascinated by venture capital, Danilo is an investor and business angel in various startups and is one of the main shareholders of the listed incubator Digital Magics.

He also participates in the advisory boards of various companies and investment vehicles. A pioneer of e-learning in Italy, he has also written several essays on the digital revolution. Danilo has a degree in Economics and Commerce from the Parthenope University of Naples.

Giulio Valiante

Partner (Scaleup Funds)

Board member in different listed and unlisted companies operating in the digital sector.

Giulio has more than ten years’ experience in venture capital both as business angel and as founder and is the CEO of seed accelerator WithFounders and co-founder of Jobrapido.

Before collaborating with Vertis, Giulio worked in Henkel, Johnson Wax, Barilla, Buongiorno Vitaminic e Mytv.

Giulio earned a bachelor’s degree in Commerce from the University of Naples Federico II.

He is currently a member of the Investment Committee of the funds “Vertis Venture 2 Scaleup”, “Vertis Venture 4 Scaleup Lazio”, “Vertis Venture 5 Scaleup”.

Nicola Redi

Partner (Technology Transfer Fund)

Board member in various companies operating in the industrial and service sectors, has twenty years of experience in venture capital, first as Chief Investment & Technology Officer of TTVenture and then as Investment Director in the venture area capital of Vertis.

Nicola is Managing Partner of Obloo, an advisory company specialized in technology transfer.
Previously Nicola also worked in the R&D area of Pirelli Pneumatici and Ideal Standard International.

Nicola graduated in Aeronautical Engineering from the Polytechnic of Milan, obtained a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the Bocconi University of Milan and a PhD from the Aston Business School of Birmingham.

He is currently a member of the Investment Committee of the “Vertis Venture 3 Technology Transfer” fund.

Roberto Della Marina

Partner (Technology Transfer Fund)

Board member in various companies active in the industrial, biomedical and nanotechnology sectors, has twenty years of experience in venture capital.

Roberto was Head of the Venture Capital Fund “AlAdInn Ventures” of Friulia Veneto Sviluppo SGR, Vice President of the Innovation Factory incubator of Trieste, Director of Innovation in Olivetti I-Jet (Ivrea), General Director of the Molecular Biomedicine Cluster of Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Vice President of the MIUR Area Science Park Research Institute in Trieste.

Roberto is Managing Partner of Obloo, an advisory company specialized in technology transfer.

Roberto graduated in Physics from the University of Trieste and obtained a PhD in Physics from the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich).

He is currently a member of the Investment Committee of the “Vertis Venture 3 Technology Transfer” fund.

Alessandro Pontari

Partner (Scaleup Funds)

He has over 15 years of experience in the consulting, private equity and venture capital sectors, covering the role of director of various companies operating in the industrial, service and digital sectors.

Before joining Vertis, Alessandro worked for Opera SGR, manager of private equity funds dedicated to the Italian market of small and medium-sized enterprises, GE Capital Interbanca, within the Corporate Finance team, taking part in quality advisor for both M&A and Equity Capital Markets transactions and in Deloitte, within the Global Financial Services & Insurance area.

Alessandro graduated in Business Administration from Bocconi University in Milan.

He is currently a member of the Investment Committee of the funds “Vertis Venture 2 Scaleup”, “Vertis Venture 4 Scaleup Lazio”, “Vertis Venture 5 Scaleup”.

Giacomo Giurazza


He has over 10 years of experience in the management consulting, private equity and venture capital sectors, covering the role of director of various companies operating in the industrial and service sectors.

Before joining Vertis, Giacomo worked for Ernst & Young, in the Transaction Advisory Service division, and L.E.K. Consulting, leading international consulting firms, supporting the main private equity funds in their investment decisions and defining strategic and managerial choices for companies operating in various sectors.

He also worked for BlueGem Capital Partners, a leading London-based private equity fund.

Giacomo has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Naples Federico II and is also a chartered accountant and statutory auditor.

Misal Giuseppe Memeo


He has extensive experience in Open Innovation, Technology Transfer and Innovation Management.

Before joining Vertis, Misal held the position of Science Advisor to the Prime Minister after specializing as a researcher in organic chemistry at various institutions including the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom and the University of Leiden in the Netherlands.

Misal graduated in Chemistry from the University of Pavia, obtaining a PhD in Organic Chemistry and a Master in Business Economics in Digital Transformation and Exponential Organization.

Nicola Cimmino


He has more than 5 years of experience in the financial advisory sector.

Before joining Vertis, Nicola worked in Grant Thornton Italia in the M&A area and in KPMG within the Audit division, mainly supporting companies and investment funds in corporate finance transactions.

Nicola holds a three-year degree in Business Economics from the University of Naples Federico II and a master’s degree in Economics and Business Law from the Bocconi University of Milan, completing a period of study abroad at the UPEC in Paris.

Nicola is also a chartered accountant and accounting expert.

Alessandro Papoff


He has over 5 years of experience in the financial consultancy sector.

Before joining Vertis, Alessandro worked in Volano, a Corporate Finance boutique, leading various startups in fundraising, in PWC in the Risk Management Consulting area.

Alessandro graduated in Business Economics from the University of Naples Federico II and obtained a Master’s degree in advanced finance from the I.P.E. Business School of Naples.

Fabiana Martone



She has gained 2 years of experience in the venture capital branch of Vertis. Fabiana mainly deals with the monitoring of the investee companies of scaleup funds.

Fabiana graduated in Business Economics from the University of Naples Federico II and obtained a Master’s degree in budgeting and management control from the I.P.E. Naples Business School.

Chiara Morsa


He has a short experience in the financial processing sector; before joining Vertis, Chiara worked at Deloitte in the Finance & Performance area (FSI).

Chiara has a degree in Economics and Commerce from the Parthenope University of Naples and holds a Master’s degree in budgeting and management control from the I.P.E. Business School of Naples.

Finance and ESG, Risk and Compliance, Administration and Support

Andrea Di Ciancia


He’s worked for important Italian and foreign financial intermediaries for ten years, evaluating illiquid financial instruments and dealing with risk management of alternative assets.

Andrea is partner of Quantyx, where he carries out risk management consulting activities for Italian companies.

Before collaborating with Vertis, Andrea worked as risk manager for Eurinvest SGR and as senior risk manager for UBI Pramerica SGR.

Andrea earned a bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Università Statale of Novara and obtained the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Financial Risk Manager (FRM) certifications.

Marco Zechini


He has twenty years’ experience in legal, regulatory and organisational aspects related to the provision of banking and financial services; he was appointed as liquidator and member of the supervision committee of financial intermediaries by Bank of Italy.

Marco is a professor for the master’s degree in financial markets at the University of Rome La Sapienza and Università degli Studi Internazionali of Rome (UNINT), a consultant of AIFI (the Italian Private Equity, Venture Capital and Private Debt Association) for all aspects concerning the anti-money laundering directive and also a consultant of the Finance Committee at the Chamber of Deputies for all the legal aspects.

Marco is a partner in charge of the Banking and Financial Regulation department of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe where he assists banks, financial institutions, payment institutions, SIM and SGR.

Before collaborating with Vertis (September 2016), Marco worked in DLA Piper, within the Finance & Projects area and in Gianni Origoni Grippo Cappelli & Partners.

Marco earned a law degree from the University of Rome La Sapienza and is a member of the Bar Association of Rome.

Camilla Rocca


He has experience in Risk Management, AML and Internal Audit & Compliance.

Before joining Vertis, Camilla worked in the Law and Tax Firm of Ernst & Young and in BDO, in the Advisory Risk & Compliance area.

Camilla graduated in Economics and Business Management from the LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome and is also a chartered accountant.

Manuela Mazio


She deals with back office activities and supports the administration area through organizational tasks.

Previously, she worked in various e-commerce companies and collaborated with business consulting firms where she was in charge of administrative and accounting activities.

Manuela graduated in Communication and Information Sciences from the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples.